Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh Mr. Potato Head, where is your nose?

My son, my son, my son... where do I begin? I LOVE my peanut. He makes me smile and laugh on a daily basis. Today was no exception.

This christmas he got a Mr. Potato Head, and the little Potato Head with the Potato Head pets... One mroe thing that My Gym brought into his life was the potato head. He first fell in love with it there, I told his Nanu about it, and she got him one. Since then, There is not a day that does not go by where I don't find eyeballs and hats and arms and shoes and noses all over the house. I go to the bathroom and there are cat ears under the bathtub. I go to the pantry and step on an arm and fingers (personally, with how much pain my foot was in at that one, I think the arm was giving my foot the bird). I found an ear and a scarf in the return air vent. As I type this, I am being kept company by teeth and a moustache. I have even crawled into bed with a naked potato.

Today, my little nut figured out that his nose had holes just like Mr. Potato Head! I am sure you can guess what happened next... He had a shiney red nose stuffed up his nostril, he had an ear shoved up his nostril, he even managed to get a pair of eyeballs up there. I know I shouldn't have been laughing so hard. I am sure it just added fuel to his french fry fire. He loves to make me laugh... Luckily I run fast, because I know he was looking at my nose to be his next target...

Tomorrow we start a new class at My Gym. My baby boy is growing up, sniff. He will not longer be a waddler. He is now a gymster. He started at My Gym as a little bundle, then became a tiny tyke, then a waddler... My baby is growing up. Every time he has moved up, there has been a sense of trepidation. Purely on my part. I get nervous for him, and what might be expected of him. I wonder if he can do it. I hope he will succeed at all the new skills he will learn. Will he see his old friends there, will he make new friends? Will there be other mommies and daddies for me to play with???

When he was a little bundle, I worried that he wouldn't get anything out of the gym. He got to roll across the floor, coo at other babies, lift his head up, play with wiffle balls and bouncy bounce. He got to take balloon rides across the gym.

When he was a tiny tyke, he got to scoot around on his behind, and eventually crawl up soft carpeted stairs, and swim in balls. He got his first taste of seperation time, where he met and fell in love with Mr. Turtle and maracas. And he got to bouncy bounce.

As he graduated into being a waddler, he got to run across the gym, slide down slides face first, He got to hang from a trapeeze and climb up a wall. He got to take train rides. He got to jump with his little friends on a trampoline. He got to climb into that pool of brightly colored balls on his own. He found the joy of swinging in a swing, instead of bouncy-bouncing.

Every stage he has taken with excitement and joy that only a child can have.

I am sure tomorrow will be no different, but he is my peanut, and he is growing up... can you pass me a tissue?

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