Sunday, May 16, 2010

terrible twos = terrible headache

What a week. I am re-thinking this whole being a mom thing. My ad on craigslist reads: 2 year old for sale, I will give you $20.

Not really, but in my mind it happened.

My son was sick sick sick last week with the flu or something. He threw up the entire day on Monday, poor baby dry heaving through the night. Tuesday and Wednesday he wouldn't really eat anything, and had massive diaherea. Thursday and Friday he felt better but just kind of laid around all day. For a week he basically stayed on the couch watching TV and sleeping.

Fast forward to this week.

Tuesday night he decided that his life revolved around TV and he didn't need to take a bath. Then he screamed and screamed and screamed AND screamed while I had him in the tub. Not to mention he tried to climb out a few times. The screaming continued through brushing teeth (which actually made that part easier- he had his mouth open) and pajama time. We had to forgo the nite-nite story because he would not have been able to hear anything over his screaming. And screaming into 20 minutes of bed time.

Wednesday night we were at bible study and everything was fine. Until he spilled his rasins on the floor. And picked them up, and spilled them, and couldn't go outside because there was a pool.... Needless to say we had to leave because he started SCREAMING. Which lasted the entire car ride home, once again through jammy time and for 30 minutes into bed time...

On to Thursday he was fine and then BOOM. He leaked through his pants and when I went to change him he decided that he wasn't having any of it. We were not at home, of course. We were at My Gym Redlands (in the back room) while there was class of 1 1/2 year olds. Boy, does that back room echo. When I was finally able to get him dressed (mostly), I had to escort him out of the door. Where the escorting became more of a dragging. While he was screaming. Deer in Headlights. That was the look of the mothers' faces as my son was screaming past them. My son slept from 4:15pm that day until 8am the next morning.

He has had his moments Friday and Saturday. Today is not over yet, but I am opmistic. He should be napping right now, but isn't.

A friend told me that after he was sick, I would have to re-train him. I am seriously hoping that is what it is because I don't know if I can take this blood curdling high pitched hour long screaming sessions that he does. How am I supposed to survive????????

On a positive side, I am excited to be teaching LCE Art Camp at My Gym beginning May 26th. I miss being in the classroom with my students. It will give me the ability to use my teaching crediential without having to teach full time. It also means that the LCE program will be geared toward CA state standards. =0) Call (909) 307-3929 if you want to enroll!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A gift for my son

I know, I know, I haven't posted anything... I have had a busy couple of weeks- beginning with a computer crashing on me (what's up with that, mac???)

My son will be turning two at the end of this month. I cannot believe that he has been in my life for two years, yet, I have a hard time imagining what life was before I had him. I can honestly say that I had no idea what love was before I had him. Being a parent just completely changes your perspective on most of your life.

My son is basically the only family I have left. Last year, after he turned a year, I wanted to write him a letter telling him how much he meant to me, but I never got it done. SO, this year I have begun a book of sorts for him. I am going to tell him about my family, about me, about his life growing up so he has it when he is older. There is so much that I dn't know about my family, and I have noone to ask anymore. The nice thing about it is I can write when I can. It is also pretty amazing what I remember when I began writing. I start to remember smells and colors and little things. For example, my paternal grandmother had a blanket on her bed that was white, with little white pom-pom things on it. When I would nap (I was young- she died when I was 8) I would wake up with pom-pom imprints on my face...

I don't know if my son will want it, or if he will care, but at least he can know where he came from.

On another note, I have begun my MyGym training. I spent Monday at the gym shadowing the two others that were working. I will shadow again on Friday. I basically felt awkward and in the way. However, watching the kiddos was extremely cool. I got to see where my son is headed in his growth and I got to see where he came from. I know that I won't be in the gym much working with the kids, but I hope that I can every now and again. Kids are fun!

I also see why my son is so worn out after his MyGym class... I came home and PASSED OUT

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh Mr. Potato Head, where is your nose?

My son, my son, my son... where do I begin? I LOVE my peanut. He makes me smile and laugh on a daily basis. Today was no exception.

This christmas he got a Mr. Potato Head, and the little Potato Head with the Potato Head pets... One mroe thing that My Gym brought into his life was the potato head. He first fell in love with it there, I told his Nanu about it, and she got him one. Since then, There is not a day that does not go by where I don't find eyeballs and hats and arms and shoes and noses all over the house. I go to the bathroom and there are cat ears under the bathtub. I go to the pantry and step on an arm and fingers (personally, with how much pain my foot was in at that one, I think the arm was giving my foot the bird). I found an ear and a scarf in the return air vent. As I type this, I am being kept company by teeth and a moustache. I have even crawled into bed with a naked potato.

Today, my little nut figured out that his nose had holes just like Mr. Potato Head! I am sure you can guess what happened next... He had a shiney red nose stuffed up his nostril, he had an ear shoved up his nostril, he even managed to get a pair of eyeballs up there. I know I shouldn't have been laughing so hard. I am sure it just added fuel to his french fry fire. He loves to make me laugh... Luckily I run fast, because I know he was looking at my nose to be his next target...

Tomorrow we start a new class at My Gym. My baby boy is growing up, sniff. He will not longer be a waddler. He is now a gymster. He started at My Gym as a little bundle, then became a tiny tyke, then a waddler... My baby is growing up. Every time he has moved up, there has been a sense of trepidation. Purely on my part. I get nervous for him, and what might be expected of him. I wonder if he can do it. I hope he will succeed at all the new skills he will learn. Will he see his old friends there, will he make new friends? Will there be other mommies and daddies for me to play with???

When he was a little bundle, I worried that he wouldn't get anything out of the gym. He got to roll across the floor, coo at other babies, lift his head up, play with wiffle balls and bouncy bounce. He got to take balloon rides across the gym.

When he was a tiny tyke, he got to scoot around on his behind, and eventually crawl up soft carpeted stairs, and swim in balls. He got his first taste of seperation time, where he met and fell in love with Mr. Turtle and maracas. And he got to bouncy bounce.

As he graduated into being a waddler, he got to run across the gym, slide down slides face first, He got to hang from a trapeeze and climb up a wall. He got to take train rides. He got to jump with his little friends on a trampoline. He got to climb into that pool of brightly colored balls on his own. He found the joy of swinging in a swing, instead of bouncy-bouncing.

Every stage he has taken with excitement and joy that only a child can have.

I am sure tomorrow will be no different, but he is my peanut, and he is growing up... can you pass me a tissue?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Redlands Daily Facts

Did you get your copy of the Redlands Daily Facts today? There is a lovely little article about My Gym... Check it out...

(unfortunately, their website does not update so often, and you cannot find the article online, YET.)

They also have an awsome special for March- sign up anytime in March, and get a FREE FREE FREE parent's night out!!! That's 3 hours of FREE FREEDOM!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A new month

Wow, Feb. just flew by... I supposed the fact that it is the shortest month in the year has a little something to do with it.

This month my son will turn two. He has already started practicing for the dreaded "terrible twos." Some of his favorite things to do-
1. scream (at the top of his very effective lungs) MINE! I think he learned this at either his babysitter or where I go to workout. Although there is a kid at his mommy and me Spanish class that picks on him, and steals everything from him telling him "mine."
2. Trying to smack my leg/hand when I tell him no. This gets time out (not effective at this point).
3. Going limp noodle and screaming at the top of his lungs (can you say, owww, my aching ears?)

I have read that the reason for the terrible two is that they are frustrated because they can think what they want, but do not have the verbal skills to get it across. I would have to say 99% of the time, I know what he wants... it is just he can't always have it. "No, peanut, you can't have the (insert something here) object. You will get hurt. No, peanut, you can't eat only bananas..."

That's why I love My Gym! I get to wear him out! He gets so tired from all the exercise, er, fun he gets that he is so tired he just wants to nap.

Now, I joke about wearing him out, but I do think one of the important things is to make sure he gets some time for fitness. Even at (almost) two, it is important. I was not raised on a couch, and my son won't be, either. So, luckily there is a place like My Gym where I can start him on those foundations. He thinks it is just plain fun. He also gets the much needed socialization with kids his own age that so many children with stay-at-home moms don't get. All for about 8 dollars an hour!

If you think you might be interested in trying out a free class give My Gym a call at (909) 307-3929, or check out the website at, or check out the new YouTube channel at!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time to "ditch the kids..."

(as my son says when I swing him around in a circle) WHEEEEEEEEEEE... Parents Night Out, February 26th (this Friday) from 5:30-8:30pm. Snacks, juice and fun will be given during the evening. Space is limited (and running out) so call and let them know your coming! (909) 307-3929

I have to say I love dropping the peanut off for these. Not only does it give me some me time- even if I just go home to finish up the laundry, do dishes, or occasionally sneak in a movie from NetFlix, it is sooooo worth it. For those of you with a life, you can go enjoy some it, maybe do the things you did before you had a kid or twoI know he has a blast, because he doesn't complain about going in the building (which he does do at my gym- not My Gym)- in fact he runs into the room like he owns the place. When I pick him up for the night, he is also WORN OUT. I don't have to do a thing but drive.

This Friday will also be great because it is a pajama party at the gym. Not only will he be asleep by the time I get home, I can just lay him in bed without waking him up...

Sweet dreams little peanut, and clean house for Mommy, this coming Friday!

Blogger post #1

My son and I have been going to MyGym Redlands for almost a year and a half. He is going to be two in March. I have to say, it is good for us to get out of the house and be around other moms (and dads) with their children. Honestly, it has been my sanity. I really don't know what I would have done without "the gym." I feel like some weeks it is the only adult conversation I get.

SO, I have now taken the opportunity to work for MyGym Redlands doing some marketing. I am excited and nervous about it. I know I am good with people (I like them) but I also don't want to be a let down. In this time of change (I am a stay-at-home mom, and a teacher before that) I have also decided to loose all the baby weight (plus some) that my son left me with when he was born. Now both of us are going to a gym!

Which also makes me wonder how I got so darn fat in the first place. I know, I know- I ate the wrong kinds of foods. Go figure. Except that even when I ate the right kinds of foods, I was still fat. My biggest fear- that my son will end up like me...

Childhood obesity rates have more than TRIPPLED since 1980... Colorado is the only state in the country that only (only) has a 15-20 precent obesity rate. Why is this? Because everyone in Colorado (well, except that 15-20 percent) MOVES... Childhood obesity can lead to depression, hypertension, damaged joints, diabetes... I am sure the list goes on and on...

So, the nice thing about going to MyGym- My child gets more activity. He loves it. He has fun. I can take him for the hour and I don't have to think about it. The activities are structured. The gym in clean (immaculate- they need to come to my house next). The instructors are caring and friendly. The cost is pretty minimal considering all I get out of it (about $7.50 per class)...

SOOOO, I know I sound like an advertisement. Perhaps a little. However, I really do believe in the gym and the importance it plays in my child's well being. I wouldn't be going otherwise....