Sunday, May 16, 2010

terrible twos = terrible headache

What a week. I am re-thinking this whole being a mom thing. My ad on craigslist reads: 2 year old for sale, I will give you $20.

Not really, but in my mind it happened.

My son was sick sick sick last week with the flu or something. He threw up the entire day on Monday, poor baby dry heaving through the night. Tuesday and Wednesday he wouldn't really eat anything, and had massive diaherea. Thursday and Friday he felt better but just kind of laid around all day. For a week he basically stayed on the couch watching TV and sleeping.

Fast forward to this week.

Tuesday night he decided that his life revolved around TV and he didn't need to take a bath. Then he screamed and screamed and screamed AND screamed while I had him in the tub. Not to mention he tried to climb out a few times. The screaming continued through brushing teeth (which actually made that part easier- he had his mouth open) and pajama time. We had to forgo the nite-nite story because he would not have been able to hear anything over his screaming. And screaming into 20 minutes of bed time.

Wednesday night we were at bible study and everything was fine. Until he spilled his rasins on the floor. And picked them up, and spilled them, and couldn't go outside because there was a pool.... Needless to say we had to leave because he started SCREAMING. Which lasted the entire car ride home, once again through jammy time and for 30 minutes into bed time...

On to Thursday he was fine and then BOOM. He leaked through his pants and when I went to change him he decided that he wasn't having any of it. We were not at home, of course. We were at My Gym Redlands (in the back room) while there was class of 1 1/2 year olds. Boy, does that back room echo. When I was finally able to get him dressed (mostly), I had to escort him out of the door. Where the escorting became more of a dragging. While he was screaming. Deer in Headlights. That was the look of the mothers' faces as my son was screaming past them. My son slept from 4:15pm that day until 8am the next morning.

He has had his moments Friday and Saturday. Today is not over yet, but I am opmistic. He should be napping right now, but isn't.

A friend told me that after he was sick, I would have to re-train him. I am seriously hoping that is what it is because I don't know if I can take this blood curdling high pitched hour long screaming sessions that he does. How am I supposed to survive????????

On a positive side, I am excited to be teaching LCE Art Camp at My Gym beginning May 26th. I miss being in the classroom with my students. It will give me the ability to use my teaching crediential without having to teach full time. It also means that the LCE program will be geared toward CA state standards. =0) Call (909) 307-3929 if you want to enroll!

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